Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Workout Barbie!!

     Okay its been a little while longer at the gym and I have to say I am falling into a nice routine. I think once I started and found what really works for me I have started getting into it more. I am still going three days a week kinda a Monday Wednesday Friday thing and it is really working for me. The kids love going to play in the child care room and being on a schedule with the gym is nice cause when we go there are a lot of the same kids are there, so i think they are making friends. Which is great for my oldest boy Logan cause sometimes he has a hard time making friends. 

   We all know from my previous post I was not doing very well with the gym thing but I really think that it was more than me just not knowing what I was doing but that the last gym membership I had I got after I had Rylee I got it in like May or June and I was so excited about it because I had been begging my husband for one forever and I finally talked him into it. So we talked about it and settled on a new gym that just opened up in our area and lets remember this will be my first membership to a gym ever. So he got it all squared away and I was so excited about it cause it had FREE daycare which if you have shopped around for gyms lately you know that almost no gym has that. So as soon as he got home I jumped in my car and took off to get sexy I was feeling great, a little upset that Jeff did not want to get a membership with me but at the time he was not on a health kick like he is now. So I got there and as soon as I walked in and looked around my feelings kinda changed let me paint a mental picture if you will. Imagine a giant open room like most gyms are one one side your cardio on the other weights and machines sounds fine so far right well let me paint what I saw. On one side a whole bunch of Barbies running on treadmills and on the other side a whole bunch of Kens on steroids  I mean where were the people who actually needed to be here I was not that big after Rylee but I felt like a 10 ton whale, but I decided to stay and give it a shot so I started on the Barbie side of the gym jumped on a elliptical and started working after 10 mins and nearly falling off that crazy thing a few times I could not handle it anymore and wanted to quit I was dyeing and of course miss 100 pounds soaking wet next to me had been on the thing for 45 mins and counting I still think its because she did have so much weight to push around. So I shut my machine of quick hoping no one was paying attention that I could barley walk and was out of breath. I decided to go over to try some machines maybe they were more up my alley. I got on the first leg machine and kind of took my time getting all set up so I could take it all in. Looking around I noticed all these guys looked like a mix off Vin diesel, the Rock and Arnold in his prime of course. It was crazy they were throwing around weights like they were light as air, not that say I minded watching much :). But for a mom just starting out and never been in a gym this place was a little over whelming  I went back one or two more times tops every time pretty much the same the gym should say when you sign up oh by the way this is a gym for people who dont really need to lose weight they just come for fun. I never really wanted to tell my husband cause he would be like your fine, your beautiful, dont worry about everyone else and what there doing and I know I should feel like that but when your on a treadmill next to playboy Barbie and action movie Ken its kinda hard to think like that. 

   So being at this gym is kind of awesome, I was so scared that every gym was going to be like that one and that the real people must have a secret society gym where they all worked out at, that I was not really looking foreword to going to another place.  But this one is a very diverse crowd and it makes it so much easier to work out when u are not the only chubby mommy riding the bike. Not only in the workout area but they have a pool and when I first went there and saw that I about died, I know my kids and they are actually going to want to go in there, not like mommy who is perfectly fine with just watching other people swim oh know my babies are going to want me to get in a swim suit and walk out of the locker room and get in I did not even own a swim suit just so i could use that as a excuse for why I would never have to do something like this or swim at all for that matter, but my hubby helped me with that one a couple nights after we went and he deiced swimming is a great way to get in shape lets do it he took me to the store where I actually had to get one :( and just a FYI none of the swim suit that are reasonably priced and are flattering for a woman who just gave birth a month ago are even remotely attractive. They are horrible weird patterns that look like something Jeff's 80 year old Grammy has for a set of curtains and colors that are bright as all hell like we want more attention drawn to us and if you dont like Grammy's curtain style or look at me style or even worse a mix of the two you get BLACK yeah BLACK what happened to the normal color pallet people! I mean just cause I am not Bay watch Barbie does not mean that I dont want to look at least half way decent in this thing if i have to be in it. So I picked a black one that was obviously made for a more busty woman I guess they assume if you are a little bigger you have large breasts yeah well not this mama, it was not pretty a black skirt for the bottom and a regular old black top yeah looking HOT now.... But I bought it cause its for the kids but talk about taking one for the team, cant wait till this gym starts working and I cant go back to that store and buy that hot pink suit I saw because buy then I will be screaming look at me and all this hard work. :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Not so vegan

 It's been awhile now trying the vegan thing and at first I was all gun hoe about it but after a few days I was starving and my taste buds were bored not only that but my five year old Logan was very mad that his chicken loving mommy was not making chicken anymore so I scratched that idea and now it's on to a new plan. But I think the big question for me is what is that plan? I am 23 I have three kids and not a lot of spare time and a whole bunch of picky eaters were do I go from here?

  So I talked to my hubby and told him he had to help me get motivated and get into this cause this mom sack ( you know the belly fat left over after the baby moves out) had to go. So we got a membership to our local community center and decided we would go three days a week. I love these types of places cause not only are they great to work out in but they offer a lot for the kiddies to. Great swimming pool with a slide a great daycare facility with just about very toy a kid could ever want in it. So Wednesday was our first day and I was all pumped to get pumped until I got there, I realized this mommy has no idea what I am doing when it comes to getting back In shape. Bless his heart my husband tried to help but I can't lift 80 pounds 16 times over my head then rest and repeat. So I guess I'll just have to get back to me alone. I started looking online for tips and tricks. Do this do that 15 x then rest and repeat 2x more but even with a direction now I still feel quite lost. I guess we all can't be movie stars and look like we did before the baby in just 3 months. I am starting to realize this journey is going to be a long one.

  Now as for the food I am just not ready to stick to a major diet so I cut out my favorite things in the world Pepsi and started drinking diet Pepsi and water it's killing me to resist it but I have been doing good so far. of course my give up everything I am doing fine husband says just drink water. Well babe I have taste buds who actually like to taste things and of course he gives up pop and he loses ten pounds I switch to diet and lose 2 life is unfair. On the other hand I am doing really well with food I am eating lots of fruits vegetables and of course chicken. So I hope I can keep this all going and work way harder at working out.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Back to me

       Back to me...

  March 4th was a magical day for me, it marked the birth of my 3 child but besides being blessed with another beautiful daughter it was the day I got to turn over a new leaf in my life the day I finally got back to me.
  Now as most mothers know with three kids making it about you is never easy especially in a situation like mine. my eldest Logan is 5 and my two girls Rylee 14 months and my baby Emma only a few weeks. So my girls are nice and close together which means not a lot of time to get back to me. But I am ready to make time. my husband and I decided at the beginning of this pregnancy that this was going to be our last baby we were both happy with three and with our girls being so close, new it was going to be hard enough let alone start all over again in a year or two so baby Emma is our last. 
  With this decision set in stone and after a long 9 month wait I decided it was time to get me back in shape and healthy and not only did I decided this the hubby did to. So about a week ago we started. We got rid of all the junk food and in came the vegetables. But its been a week and I can not get into it as well as he is I mean he is working out hard core lifting weights doing insanity which I tired and I am now convinced my husband is insane. He is even taking supplements and almost completely cut out soda another reason I think hes insane and even after watching him and seeing how much better he feels and how good he is feeling about himself even only after a week I still cant get into the whole thing. I have worked out a few times and I am really trying to eat better but I want results NOW with as little effort as possible because after a long day with my kids and cleaning cooking and cleaning some more and don't even get me started on the amount of diapers the last thing I want to do is put my kids to sleep and stand on my feet some more. I really be leave most mother would agree with me. So I sat down tonight looking for quick ways to get my pre mommy body back or you know as close as possible we all know after three kids we cant look like we did at 18 but like I said as close as possible. So I went searching and found so many websites and diets gyms you name it I looked into it and then I came across something that caught my eye and something I thought I would never think of trying but here I am starting a blog to help me through.
  Kassandra avid chicken lover since i was born has decided to go vegan. I know shocker for me to I can not even be leave I am actually thinking of doing this but I am and that little voice in my head is telling me you can do this. So we are all clear on this vegan is short for vegetarian and after today short for me. Now when I first started considering this I thought oh I no what this is no meat I got this I can do it but wait no there's more so much more not dairy or eggs.... Yeah I no I was like WHAT to but its true no meat dairy or eggs after reading that I was a little more skeptical but that little voice chimed in again and told me you can do this so I started looking into it more and found out some of the benefits to my health were really awesome.
  Let me just point out some of these benefits before you all think I have really gone of the deep end.Eating less red meat lowers your risk for heart disease the number one killer of woman. To lose weight, a recent Dr. went on the Dr.Oz show and said that cutting out meat and adding more nutritious vegetables can help you lose weight fast and keep it off and with this you get to eat more food rather then starve yourself. Thank god for that cause that is one of the number one reasons why I no I cant do all most all diets I love to eat and cook and when u love to eat what you cook it makes it super hard to diet unless you have a whole family who needs a diet then you may have it easier then me. But with this I can still cook and eat and feed my family food they will like and actually eat and not only all that but food that is good for them.
So now we all know why I am writing this I am hoping if i put down my struggles and triumphs in this new lifestyle then it will be easier to stick with it which is a problem I have a BIG problem. So I'm going to write as much as possible and really try to stay with this.